Counseling Resources
- in person
- directly to counselor
- to the front office in a sealed envelope
- by email to:
Phone Numbers to Emergency and Mental Health Resources
Kleberg County Sheriff 361-595-8500
Kingsville Police Department 361-592-4311
National Suicide Prevention Line 1-800-273-8255
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services 1-800-662-4357
Report Child Abuse 1-800-252-5400
Purple Door Shelter Kingsville 1-800-580-4880 or 361-881-8888
Mental Health Apps
Calm Harm-Helpful suggestions for managing self-harm.
Free Go Noodle-This app is also wonderful for older kids, and includes movement, exercise, yoga, etc.!
Free Labyrinth Journey-Free finger labyrinths to use as a coping skill to promote relaxation.
(The following free apps are researched from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA):
MoodTools - MoodTools is a self-help app targeting depression. It provides psychoeducation about risk factors and psychosocial approaches to treatment, a depression symptom questionnaire (PHQ-9), a thought diary, a suicide safety plan, and videos such as meditation guides. Teens, adults.
Breathe2Relax -A simple, intuitive, and attractive mobile app designed by the National Center for Telehealth & Technology to teach breathing techniques to manage stress. The skills taught may be applied to those with anxiety disorders, stress, and PTSD. Teens and adults.
Mindshift-Targeted to help adolescents, teens, and young adults gain insight into and basic skills to manage their symptoms of anxiety disorders, including GAD, social anxiety, specific phobias, and panic attacks. It’s also useful for managing worry, performance anxiety, test anxiety, and perfectionism. The skills taught may be applied to individuals with physical, emotional, cognitive, or behavioral manifestations of anxiety, providing users with more helpful, balanced ways of thinking about feared situations.
Headspace- Targeted to anyone who wants to learn meditation to reduce anxiety and stress and improve their attention and awareness; good for a beginner to establish a regular meditative routine. The skills taught include mindfulness and cognitive diffusion, breathing exercises, meditation practice, tips for increased relaxation, concentration; may be applied to anxiety and depressive disorders, PTSD, and OCD, especially in conjunction with a health provider. Teens, adults. Free for first 10 sessions.
Smiling Mind (Android, iPhone, iPad)- Smiling Mind is designed to help people manage pressure, stress, and challenges of daily life. This app includes a section on Mindfulness in the Classroom. Smiling Mind offers programs for a variety of age groups, including 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18 and adults. The app has an easy-to-use interface for keeping track of your progress over time, both in terms of how many sessions you complete and how your emotions change.
Calm (Android, iPhone, iPad)- Calm is the perfect meditation app for beginners, but also includes hundreds of programs for intermediate and advanced users. Guided meditation sessions are available in lengths of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 minutes so you can choose the perfect length to fit your schedule
Resources for Parents
Conscious Discipline Parenting Tips
Parenting Success Network
A list of online parenting resources that Parenting Success Network find to be particularly good.
Use our free parenting resources to find family crisis and child behavior professionals. Use our categories to easily find the websites you are looking for to help your family.
The mission of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is to protect the unprotected -- children, elderly, and people with disabilities -- from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Our approach to supporting parents is based on the belief that parents are the true experts on their children, and that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to raising children. The information and tools we offer are designed to support parents in developing their own ways to promote their children’s growth and development.
Are you looking for resources to support your Positive Parenting journey? If you’re in need of additional support for age-specific or stage-specific advice, this article is for you. Here is my list of 7 courses that beautifully complement any parents’ effort to implement positive parenting strategies.
Free parenting resources plus good parenting tips for teachers, educators and parents.
General Parenting Information Healthy Children This website is sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics for parents. It provides information on topics including child development, health, safety, and family issues. Parenting 24/7 This University of Illinois website was developed to be a "one-stop" source of news, information, and…
Online Mental Health Resources
Community mental health services are usually provided at an office or in the home. Services support families to make positive changes that help children recover from mental illness and foster resilience.
Mental Health Texas provides learning and treatment opportunities for those coping with mental health conditions and those who support them.
| Domestic Abuse Shelter : The Purple Door
Healthy Relationships/Dating Violence Awareness
Report Abuse Online
Healthy relationships for young adults can be confusing. Love is more than just the way you feel, and we're here to help.
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders
Silence the Shame empowers and educates communities on mental health and wellness. Through wellness trainings, compelling content and outreach programs, we aim to normalize the conversation, peel back the layers of shame, eliminate the stigma and provide support for mental wellbeing.
Find free and confidential resources that will help you or a loved one connect with a skilled, trained professional in your area.